Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Sport increased intelligence?

HAVE a sport did not only make our body healthy and first-rate, but also made our brain here so 'cling' [smart]. Will believe? ..

here read his conclusion. The conclusion that was attracted by the researchers in the country of Uncle Sam [the US] ,after carried out the test against mouse and humankind. Results of the test showed sport could trigger the growth of brain cells in the part Hippocampus,part the brain that most was related to the memory that will experience the decline after the age 30 years to humankind. According to the Expert, Dr. Scott Small the nerves expert from Columbia University Medical Center, NewYork, that led this study, said that growing new cells on the brain during someone had sport. "Sport will make blood flow to the brain so as we humankind to more fresh,"said Dr.Scott." read more...

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Tea, comfort and healthy

A cup of hot tea... hmm delicious! Drink tea was quite refreshing and made relaxed the tired body.
Many also his healthy bonus loh!

Sorts of the tea kind.
* Green tea [green tea]. This the tea kind that was most popular in the country The bamboo blind And The sun rose . The tea kind that was most beneficial for the health, especially because of his usefulness opposed cancer. Received from the sprout of the fresh tea leaves that experienced the heating with steam in the high temperature.
* Tea oolong [oolong tea]. Traditional Chinese tea that experienced the process of oxidation or farmentasi some. The part of the bank of the tea leaves was reddish, whereas middle him stayed green. The feeling of this tea extract resembled green tea, the colour and his aroma was not stronger compared with black tea.
* White tea [white tea]. Made from the sprout of tea youngest that still was filled the soft hair. This tea did not experience the process of fermentation, only diuapkan and dikeringkan. The white tea leaves after dikeringkan was not green but white silvery and if diseduh was amber with the soft and fresh aroma.
* Black tea [black tea]. Mentioned also red tea by China, Japan and Korea. Was the most popular tea kind and was often consumed in Indonesia. This tea kind, very strong his aroma and could remain till several years if being kept well.

The benefit of tea.
Tea was rich in antioksidan in the form of Polifenol And Flavonoid . The content polifenol in amount tea 10 fold times were compared in and vegetables. Polifenol could in tea hinder the process of damaging oxidation the body cell, reduced the number and hindered the growth of the cancer cell. White tea had antioksidan that was better was compared by other tea kinds. Green tea very good was consumed to oppose several cancer kinds like lung cancer, the prostate and breasts.
Three cups of black tea every day was believed could reduce the risk of the illness a case of the heart disease, unloaded the level of bad cholesterol, hypertension, and stroke. Not only that the benefit from drinking tea. For the diabetes sufferer was very good for consumed green tea and black tea. Also was useful for the health gigi,mengontrol was smelly the mouth and the formation of the teeth plaque. Tea also was useful to reinforce the system of body immunity against the infection and help the body to overcome the condition for stress quickly. Drink black tea 4 glasses a day could for 4 weeks reduce the level of stress sebanayak 47 percent. Drink green tea 2 glasses or more a day, beneficial prevented brain damage resulting from the process of ageing. In Japan, lansia that consumed green tea 2 glasses a day, experienced the decline in brain damage totalling 50 percent, this was caused by the EGCG content in green tea. Results of the newest research Tokyo University, Japan, stated that EGCG could in green tea increase the immunity system to prevent the HIV/AIDS.This was supported by the research that was carried out by Prof.Mike Williamson from University of Sheffield. Tips healthy drank tea. * Untuk the maximal usefulness, seduh tea with hot water bersuhu minimal 60-70 levels celcius. * Setelah diseduh, immediately should be not drunk, was announced for several minutes so that katekin keluat from the tea leaves. * Hirup tea steam through the nose by breathing in-in to be a relief to the throat and eliminated stiff on the shoulder. * Minumlah tea in the warm situation in the temperature 38-40 levels celcius. Suggested tea dikumur-kumur in the mouth to clean teeth and was a relief to the throat before being swallowed. * hurriedly should not throw the waste of the tea extract away. The tea waste was good for treated the tired eyes. The package of the tea sandpaper with cotton or tissue, used to mengompres the tired eyes. * Sebaiknya was not mixt with ice and milk. According to the principle of Chinese medical treatment knowledge, tea had the characteristics cooled down the body so as to need hot water to neutralise him. If being mixt ice cubes, meant to increase the cold characteristics of tea, in the iced tea stomach will cause gas, caused inflated and the disturbance of the digestion. Whereas milk protein will mount antioksidan tea so as the effect antioksidan will decrease. read more...



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